May 7, 2009


Uumm... Today I was doing some thinking. I asked myself, "I'm 21 years old, and it is almost time for me to be graduating. What am I going to do as soon as graduation is over?" I know-- three 1/2 years of college and I still don't know the answer to that question. I know what I want to do, but I don't know how to get there. You know? I need to have a plan, but if I have this plan, I really have to stick to it. I look at some people sometimes and admire the way that they get out on their dreams with interns, networking, and all of that stuff. I'm not a fan of popularity-- I kind of like the feeling of isolation, as far as school goes. To me the more popular you are, the more trouble you get in! 
 I know I want to be A&R (Artist and Repertoire) Sort of like a P. Diddy, cause I don't want to just stop at A&R-- I want things to be in my name! Sometimes I don't feel like I'm driven enough, or like I want to hard enough...Well I know I want it hard enough, but I don't know what to do to make people I'm trying to work for believe that! I just want to at least start off at some type of recording company...Something that could lead me to where I want to be, where I'm supposed to be!! SHOOT!! Well besides that, school is out, and I'm still here at school..cause of freaking choir. I have to sing at the graduation!! I'm ready to go home. I think if I'm there, I'll get, if not all, some of the inspiration I need to get some type of start on a lot stuff.. Like LIFE!  See u in DUE COURSE! 


Anonymous said...

I love Chester French

S.Page said...

Solidarity is the key to success. Isolation is key in finding the true artist. Go for your dreams and speak it into Existence!