Apr 18, 2010

Hair Like Hers- Flam dyes her frontal lobe..LOL

My friends and I are natural.. and yes we love it! My friend Sascha, whose interview was earlier in the blog, but she's changed since then. Because of these styling hands, Sascha now has a BC (Big Chop) (I did it!) and has kept it that way for some time now. We'll get an update on her later. Flame, yes that's her real name, has been natural all of her life. I've known this girl since the first day of classes freshman year in college- She's one of the good ones.

Anywho, she's decided to let me dye her hair a little blonde in the front to try something new. She's never dyed her hair EVER in life! But I think it looks quite appealing on her! Don't you think. I'd have to post styles on her later.. The color she used is by the "Dark and Lovely" brand, but I forgot the exactly color on the box..

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