Dec 7, 2009

two thousand-again (2010)

I'm so excited about 2010.. First off I'm very excited because it is the year for me to graduate from college!! I don't want to rush too much though because I'm not really sure where I'm going to venture off. I know where I want to be, but I'm still thinking about how I'm going to get there! I don't have New Years Resolutions, but I do have NEW LIFE resolutions! I promised myself that I am going to abide by these promises that I've made to myself! I plan to have a prosperous life and I plan to start today. As far as my habits, all of that will start in 2010.. LOL.. I want to be healthier, more ambitious, and so much more? I won't be a WHOLE new me, but I will be a better me! I plan to write a letter to myself and read as much as I can to reassure myself as to what my purpose is... What are you guys' resolutions?? Lemme know!!

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